Things I've Learned, Looking Back and Moving Forward

The hospital gown that turns any frown upside down!
Fight any illness with SUPERHERO POWERS!
Brave Gowns were not only created to bring happiness and laughter, but to also be softer, more comfortable and more functional than any gown in existence. Not only do they have snaps on both sleeves, they also have fully back coverage, are as soft as your favorite t-shirt and have easy access to chest ports!
98% poly/ 2% spandex
Flame retardant. Brave Gowns meet and exceed hospital safety requirements.
I took me longer than expected, so I pull up right on time, not what I originally hoped for. Thankfully God & the universe had my back, because you see that white car right there? Well, that car was pulling away right as I was pulling up and not only was it the only spot on the block, it was also the closest spot (on the street) to the entrance. It was especially helpful due to the heaviness of the box of Brave Gowns, which leads me to the box...
This here box was filled with the 200 Brave Gowns. It's a heavy little box. I made it about four steps from my car to that bench when I started to see stars because I didn't have it gripped correctly. I regrouped, took a deep breath and hustled to the next bench about 75 feet away.
The next bench happened to be right by the entrance and I made it! It might not have been graceful, but I got there and that's when I saw said sign behind the bench which read "valet!" I'm thinking they would have let me pull up and unload the box there, had I known...
Then I went inside, but there was about a 10 family wait to be able to speak with the information booth, so set the box off to the side and got in line. That's I looked over and happened to see this...
I laughed out loud! I mean, look how much Brave Gowns were already helping children and they weren't even out of the box yet!
The lady checked me in and I went to grab the box! That's when a nice women offered me a wagon! She was a lifesaver...literally! She was a nurse...
Up, up and away we go! Sixth floor, here we come!
I can't even begin to tell you how much I love the doctor that is doing the trial. She's a tough, but gentle woman from Milwaukee, which made me even more fond of her. She could have easily have been a long lost aunt and runs the Pre & Post Op. Fun little fact here...For Pre & Post Op, they have to provide two gowns to each patient. One to cover the front and one to cover the patients back to have access to both. However, Brave Gowns eliminate this problem and the patients can move around comfortably in only one BRAVE GOWN! Well, back to the doctor, it just so happened that she felt the same way about the box as I did, so we took all the gowns out of the box and spread them all over her room so the nurses could come grab them as the pleased!
I gave here a hug, which actually might have scared her a bit, and I was on my way crying with gratitude. By the time I got to my car, I already had the image below from the doctor saying "the nurses loved them so much that they wanted to wear the gowns too!"
(mind you they're not the right size ;)
How adorable are they?
Did I mention that she made me take the empty box? I told you Ioved her!
So, I pulled away from the hospital and had talk radio on. Ok, I actually still had Joel Osteen on from the ride in and out of no where it switched to jazz. It was so out of no where that Iooked down and the radio and there it was...
It's our thing. Mac was watching. He was proud. He was letting me know it's all going to be ok! I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and for once...I exhaled, but then I quickly opened my eyes because I realized I was driving!
Last picture...
It was the first day in a year and a half that I realized I might actually get to finally change my toe nail polish color. It's called "Eternal Optimist" and I can't change it until there's a huge movement for Brave Gowns, because I swear it's brought me the most luck ever! Every time I try to wear something else, I lose my mojo, I swear...
Thank you all for being on this journey with me! It's been such a gift...
Watch out world, we have a lot work to do!
Kindly & Blessed,
What a wonderful week this has been! So many amazing families have reached out to share their stories and to order gowns. The John Boy and Billy Show ran a clip on air about Brave Gowns, which I really wish I could have heard, but their fan base reached out to share their support for Brave Gowns which was so kind!
So far this week, we've put these children in superhero gowns, princess gowns, be happy gowns and a few baseball gowns! I always love seeing the orders come through, because I believe in Brave Gowns with all of my heart, but when I see the different sizes, it just crushes me. There were a lot of XS-2/4's that came through. My heart always drops and goes out to these families. Often Brave Gowns are purchased as gifts, when I see the billing and shipping addresses are different, I say a little prayer for the child knowing that the purchaser is trying to brighten the day of someone they love from afar! The gift cards are also doing well, which is so fun for the child to get to pick out their own gown!
Thank you to all of you that are sharing, supporting and ordering Brave Gowns! To see all the children in these vibrant gowns vs the standard gowns is the most wonderful feeling!