Happy National Superhero Day 2018!
As we were working on putting this video together as an extra special tribute to all the strong, brave superheroes that proudly wear their Brave Gowns to conquer their illnesses, we received a request from a mom asking "How long does it take to make a customized gown? My five year-old son is going in for brain surgery." It made us really think about what a superhero truly is.
The traditional definition states that it's a fictional character, but thankfully in the urban dictionary, it's been redefined: "A being with extraordinary physical or mental powers, far beyond the range of normal human ability, who uses these powers to protect the innocent and for the general good."
Interesting..."a being who uses their power to protect the innocent." Parents of a child with an illness watch their children go through immense pain, physical changes and surgery time and time again. While in private they are left frustrated, they cry, they are scared to their core and their hearts are ripped in a billion pieces, wishing they could take their child's pain away. Instead of showing this pain in front of their children, they smile, laugh, play and cuddle, even though every ounce of their being is scared and exhausted. To us, that is the true definition of a superhero. They use their voice, their love and every part of their being to protect their child.
So, today we celebrate all the children and their families that fight with grace, dignity and all they have to go home!
And for all the little superheroes of the world, here's a fun mask to print, color and wear today! You are so strong and brave! We love when you send us pictures and your smiles, so if you color one snap a picture! Thank you for allowing us to be a little part of your lives! Bless you all~