A Week of Gratitude
What a wonderful week this has been! So many amazing families have reached out to share their stories and to order gowns. The John Boy and Billy Show ran a clip on air about Brave Gowns, which I really wish I could have heard, but their fan base reached out to share their support for Brave Gowns which was so kind!
So far this week, we've put these children in superhero gowns, princess gowns, be happy gowns and a few baseball gowns! I always love seeing the orders come through, because I believe in Brave Gowns with all of my heart, but when I see the different sizes, it just crushes me. There were a lot of XS-2/4's that came through. My heart always drops and goes out to these families. Often Brave Gowns are purchased as gifts, when I see the billing and shipping addresses are different, I say a little prayer for the child knowing that the purchaser is trying to brighten the day of someone they love from afar! The gift cards are also doing well, which is so fun for the child to get to pick out their own gown!
Thank you to all of you that are sharing, supporting and ordering Brave Gowns! To see all the children in these vibrant gowns vs the standard gowns is the most wonderful feeling!