Sponsor A Brave Gown For Four-Year-Old Grace Recently Diagnosed w/ Tumors in her Skull, Jaw & Spine-Sponsored

$ 25.00

This gown will be gifted to four-year-old, Grace, on January 12, 2024, Grace had a routine MRI for a presumed facial cyst. Mom and Dad received the most devastating news imaginable: Grace has cancer. Life as they once knew it changed in an instant. The scan discovered tumors on her skull, jaw, spine, and adrenal gland. Grace was immediately admitted to Boston Children's Hospital where they stayed for the next 10 days. After a whirlwind of tests and scans, Grace was diagnosed with High-Risk Neuroblastoma.

The cost covers the gown plus shipping. The gown will ship directly to the child from you personally. If you'd like to leave a personalized note, you may do so at checkout or email us at info@bravegowns.com 

At checkout, you may be asked to provide a shipping address. The gown will not ship to you. It will be shipped directly to the child. -Thank you
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