This gown will be gifted to five-year-old, Ainsley, who was born premature and is always in an out of hospital. She just had a very long admission and is now home with a feeding tube. She’s in ballet class but misses so many classes when she’s sick in hospital. Ainsley doesn’t like to be different, a gown like this would make her feel comfortable like she’s wearing her own clothes. We would be blessed to have something so sweet to pack into our hospital bag. We also love the self affirmation one. I’m sure we will be shopping here someday. As for Ainsley, she’s a happy, strong. Brave little girl no matter all the obstacles she’s gone through.
The cost covers the gown plus shipping. The gown will ship directly to the child from you personally. If you'd like to leave a personalized note, you may do so at checkout or email us at