Support Alex & Jei’s 3rd Annual Brave Gown Drive to Gift Brave Gowns to Nicklaus & Boston Children's Hospitals

$ 25.00
Help Support Alex & Jei’s 3rd Annual Brave Gown Drive and help gift Brave Gowns to patients at Nicklaus & Boston Children's Hospitals!

Heart of a Lion
Who we are: 
We are back and still on a mission to provide Brave Gowns to as many children as possible. 2022 brought a lot of stress and worry to our families as both Alex and Jei endured their third open heart surgery. When we were preparing for our son's surgeries we let the boys each pick a few gown designs that they liked. We knew that these gowns would be fun, but little did we know how much we NEEDED them. They were perfect in every way. The gowns are super soft and the buttons allowed the medical teams to do what they needed to do. The designs were silly and made the boys feel comfortable. Alex refused to wear anything other than his Brave Gowns during his recovery.
We truly believe that Brave Gowns are a necessity for all children in the hospital. With your help, we can once again donate gowns to children at both Nicklaus Children's Hospital AND Boston Children's Hospital. 

As always, we thank you for your support.
Thank you!
Amparo (Jei's mom) and Cristina (Alex's mom)

Note: At checkout, you may be asked for a shipping address, but all gowns will be sent directly to our families for delivery to the hospital. Thank you!

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