The Power of Brave Gowns & The Brave Gown Video
I just wanted to share the original Brave Gown video to show how far we've come, that we've got the ball rolling and we have so much great work to do!
I started Brave Gowns in memory of my little brother, Mac! He was so magical and full of life! Every day his hospital room was filled with joy, smiles and hope! He was the bravest boy I ever knew! Through Brave Gowns, I hope to share his spirit, imagination and magic with all children (and adults ;) that are battling illnesses in hospitals across the world! We are currently doing clinical trial with children's hospitals thought it the US, because doctors, nurses, patients and parents have all witnessed the power of Brave Gowns!
Click here to watch the original Brave Gown Video!
Please help share to show we care!!!!