One year ago today I woke up knowing that we hit our goal and you all helped make my vision become a reality! I can't thank you enough! We've come so far together & we are still going strong! It's been a wild ride and I've made some choices that I hope were the correct ones. The end of the year of this year will be very telling of where the Brave Gowns journey will go!

If you want to keep sharing something that you helped start and we should all be proud of, please do! I have a big August ahead of me to keep my word for CHLA and St. Jude and when people said I'm crazy to shoot that high without another crowdfunding campaign I told them that they don't know how strong our Brave Gowns community is!!!!
Thank you for being part of something so magical!
An end to a day, is only a beginning of a new one. And similarly, every success marks a start of a new one. Keep your spirits high for a tomorrow that shall always come. Keep faith, courage and hope in life and never let your dreams sleep.